General - Custom Structures / Buildings, Builders, and Build Abilities

Tutorial by Gryffin

After much trial and error and use of other tutorials, I have finally discovered the definitive method of creating a custom Structure or Building, as well as custom Build abilities for each of the races. I feel that there is no single tutorial that completely describes this process, so I've created one for you. I hope this tutorial will be of use to you, and that people will stop being forced to post the same question in the forums. Enjoy.

Custom Protoss Structure

• Duplicate Probe
• Check Ability: Probe Build (Probe)
• Check Actors: Probe and ProtossConstruction
• Suffix everything (Custom)
• Duplicate Pylon
• Check Actors ProtossBuildingBirthSmall (Unnamed) and Pylon
• Suffix everything (Custom)
• Open the field Cost – Cost for the Pylon and change the Minerals to 0 (Zero).
• From the Abilities tab, select the custom build Ability: Probe Build (Probe)(Custom)
• Open Ability-Info+
• Double-click Warp in Pylon
• Remove Requirements with the Red X (not present for Pylon).
• Scroll to the bottom and change the field Info-Unit to Pylon (Custom).

Custom Terran Structure

• Duplicate the SCV
• Check Ability: SCV - Build (SCV)
• Check Actors: SCV and Terran Construction
• Suffix everything (Custom)
• Duplicate the Missile Turret
• Check the Actor Missile Turret
• Suffix both (Custom)
• Change the value for Minerals in Cost – Cost to 0.
• From the Actors tab, select the Actor Missile Turret (Custom)
• Open Events – Events+
• Select the Action for “UnitConstruction.MissileTurret2.Start” ; The Action's Name is: “Create MissileTurret2.Build”
• At the bottom of the right frame, select the Type radio button, Actor.
• From the drop-down box, select “Missile TurretBuild (Unnamed)”
• From the Abilities tab, select the Ability SCV- Build (SCV) (Custom)
• Open Ability-Info+
• Double-click Build Missile Turret
• Remove the Requirement by pushing the Red X in the bottom right-hand corner of the Requirements section.
• Scroll to the bottom, and change the field Info – Unit to Missile Turret (Custom).

Custom Zerg Structure

• Duplicate the Drone
• Check Ability: Drone – Morph Unit (Drone ? Zerg Buildings)
• Check Actors: Drone; Zerg Construction Progress; Zerg_Building Morph Start
• Suffix everything (Custom)
• Duplicate the Spawning Pool
• Check the Actor Spawning Pool
• Suffix both (Custom)
• Change the value for Minerals under Cost – Cost to 0.
• From the Abilities tab, select the Ability: Drone – Morph Unit (Drone ? Zerg Buildings)(Custom)
• Open Ability-Info+
• Double-click Spawning Pool
• Remove the Requirement by pushing the Red X in the bottom right-hand corner of the
• Requirements section.
• Scroll to the bottom, and change the field Info – Unit to Spawning Pool (Custom).
• From the Actors tab, select the Actor: Spawning Pool (Custom)
• Open Events – Events+
• Select the Action for: “UnitConstruction.SpawningPool2.Start” ; the Action will be named: “Create SpawningPool2Build”.
• At the bottom of the right frame, select the Type radio button, Actor.
• From the drop-down box, select “Spawning Pool Build”
• Create a Creep Tumor on the Terrain to test the building.

Entirely Custom Builder
It's important also to learn how to create a custom builder unit, ability, and structure from scratch. This tutorial will teach you how to create an Archon that constructs a Mothership with the Terran Construction style (is locked while constructing and freed when finished). The entire tutorial is below, broken into sub-sections.

Unit and Actor

• Duplicate the unit, the Archon, checking the Archon actor, as usual.
• Suffix both the unit and actor "(Custom)".
• Duplicate the unit, Mothership, checking it's Mothership Actor as well.
• For the Mothership Unit, open the field "Ability - Abilities+".
• Press the green X on the right to add an ability.
• Set the drop-down box to "Build in Progress". Structures have this ability natively.
• But since the Mothership is not a structure, we need to add the ability manually.
• This will allow the Mothership to be constructed properly.
• Open the field "Cost - Cost", and set the values for Minerals and Vespene both to zero.
• Also set the value for the field "Stats - Supply" to zero. Supply is how much "Food" a Unit requires to be trained.


• Select the Buttons tab.
• Create a new Button by right-clicking and selecting "Add Button".
• Name the Button "Build". Name the ID "ArchonBuild".
• Prefix the Button "Archon - ". And suffix the button "(Custom)".
• Open the field "Icon" and click the Browse button.
• Select an appropriate Icon. I recommend: ""
• Copy and paste the Icon field value to the field "Alert - Icon".
• Create a second Button by right-clicking and selecting "Add Button".
• Name the Button "Build Mothership". Suggest an ID.
• Prefix the Button "Archon - ". And suffix the button "(Custom)".
• Set the "Icon" and Alert - Icon" fields to the value: ""

Build Abilities

• Select the Abilities tab.
• Create a new Ability by right-clicking and selecting "Add Ability".
• Name the Ability "Build", and name the ID "ArchonBuild".
• Set the Ability Type to "Build".
• Press OK to create the Ability.
• Prefix the Ability "Archon - ". Suffix the Ability "Custom".
• Set the field "Ability - Construction Mover" to "Construction".
• Open the field "Ability - Info +".
• Double-click the top option, "Build 01".
• Using the drop-down box, set the value for "Info - Button - Default Button" at the top to "Archon - Build Mothership (Custom)".
• Scroll to the bottom of the dialog, and set the field for "Info - Unit" to "Mothership (Custom)".
• Immediately below this, set the value for "Info - Time" to 20. This is the building's construction time, in seconds.
• Press OK on both dialogs to save.

Progress / Construction Ability

• Duplicate the Ability "Terran Construction".
• Rename the Ability: "Archon - Construction (Custom)".
• Open the field "Events - Events+".
• Select the Event "Abil.TerranBuild.BuiltStart"
• On the right side, for the "Source Name" drop-down box, select the Ability "Archon - Build (Custom)".
• For the drop-down box "Sub Name", select "Built Start".

Birth Actors

• Select the Actors tab.
• Duplicate the Actor "ProtossBuildingBirthLarge".
• Suffix the Actor "(Custom)" and remove the "Copy" moniker from the Name.
• Open the "Event - Events +" field.
• Right-click on the Event "UnitConstruction.Nexus.Start", and click "Remove Selection".
• Right-click in white space and select "Add Event".
• For the drop-down box "Message Type", choose "Construction".
• For "Source Name", choose "Mothership (Custom)".
• For "Sub Name", choose "Start".
• From the left-side bar, select the Action attached to the Event, called "ActionImpact".
• For the drop-down box "Message Type", choose "Create".
• Press OK to save your changes.

Unit Abilities

• Open the Units tab.
• Select your Unit "Archon (Custom)".
• Open the field "Ability - Abilities +".
• Add a new Ability with the green X, and set the Ability to "Archon - Build (Custom)".
• Open the field "Ability - Command Card +".
• Select the bottom-left gray tile.
• Click the green X button to add a new button.
• From the new dialog, select "Archon - Build (Custom)". DO NOT select the Ability "Build Mothership".
• For the "Command Type" drop-down box, select "Submenu".
• For the "Command Card" drop-down box, select "2".
• Still in the "Ability - Command Card +" dialog, select "2" from the "Command Card" drop-down box at the TOP of the dialog.
• Select the top-left gray tile.
• Click the green X at the right side of the dialog to add a button.
• From the new dialog, search for and select the button "Archon - Build Mothership (Custom)".
• For the "Command Type" drop-down box, choose "Ability Command".
• For the "Ability" drop-down box, choose "Archon - Build (Custom)".
• For the "Ability Command" drop-down box, choose "Archon - Build Mothership (Custom)".
• Press OK to save your additions.

That's All!
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